RNA 生物智造技术
原核小干扰 RNA 技术平台
小默生物拥有一种革命性的 RNAi 技术,称为 pro-siRNA(原核小干扰RNA)技术。该技术由小默生物创始人黄林峰教授与美国哈佛医学院 Judy Lieberman 教授(现为小默生物科学顾问)共同发明。一系列相关研究成果已发表在顶级生物技术期刊上,已建立坚实的科学基础。
原核小干扰RNA技术用细菌作为 siRNA 的“生产工厂”,是全球唯一生物工程生产 siRNA 的方法。相比传统的合成工艺例如化学合成,我们的技术实现了最低的生产成本,并通过环境友好型的生物制造工艺实现了超大规模的siRNA生产能力。
此外,原核小干扰RNA技术实现了一种最优的 RNAi 高通量筛选方法,可针对任何物种的任何细胞进行定制化的 RNAi 功能基因筛选。

- Linfeng Huang, Jingmin Jin, Padraig Deighan, Evgeny Kiner, Larry McReynolds, & Judy Lieberman, Efficient and specific gene knockdown by small interfering RNAs produced in bacteria, Nature Biotechnology, Apr 2013, 31, 350–356 (commented in “Renewable RNAi” of the same issue; highlighted in SciBX, Mar 2013, 6(11)). link to the article
- Guneet Kaur, Hung-chi Cheung, Wei Xu, Jun Vic Wong, For Fan Chan, Yingxue Li, Larry McReynolds, & Linfeng Huang, Milligram scale production of potent recombinant small interfering RNAs in Escherichia coli, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Sep 2018, 115(9):2280-2291. link to the article
- Linfeng Huang & Judy Lieberman, Production of highly potent recombinant siRNAs in Escherichia coli, Nature Protocols, Dec 201-3, 8(12), 2325-2336. link to the article
- Yingxue Li, Wei Xu, Yutian Ren, Hung-Chi Cheung, Panpan Huang, Guneet Kaur, Chih-Jung Kuo, Sean P. McDonough, Susan L. Fubini, Stephen M. Lipkin, Xin Deng, Yung-Fu Chang*, & Linfeng Huang*, Plakoglobin and High-Mobility Group Box 1 Mediate Intestinal Epithelial Cell Apoptosis Induced by Clostridioides difficile TcdB Clostridioides difficile TcdB, mBio Aug 2022. link to the article
- Beibei Hou†, Linhui Qin†, and Linfeng Huang*, Liver cancer cells as the model for developing liver-targeted RNAi therapeutics, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Feb 2023, 644:85-94. link to the article
- Linfeng Huang*, Padraig Deighan, Jingmin Jing, Yingxue Li, Hung-chi Cheung, Elaine Lee, Shirley S. Mo, Heather Hoover, Sahar Abubucker, Nancy Finkel, Larry McReynolds, Ann Hochschild, & Judy Lieberman*, Tombusvirus p19 captures RNase III-cleaved double-stranded RNAs formed by overlapping sense and antisense transcripts in coli, mBio, Jun 2020, 11(3):e00485-20. link to the article
- ‘Small-interfering RNA expression systems for production of small-interfering RNAs and their use’, Linfeng Huang, Yutian Ren, Hung-chi Cheung, & Guneet Kaur, US patent: 11,193,124
- ‘Methods and compositions for the production of siRNAs’, Judy Lieberman & Linfeng Huang, US patent: 9,840,703